July 30, 2011


I just got to thinking about how crazy and random my day was and also how much fun I had throughout most of it...

1 Trip to the office which was like a ghost town because it was Friday.
2 Starbucks runs because I needed coffee at both ends of the work day.
3 of us went to the 1st Annual Denver County Fair.
4 rides were ridden by the kiddos - Genesis, Spider, Bumper Cars, Star Ship.
5 coins left in my pocket at the end of the night.
6 tired eyes on the drive home.
7 cups of zucchini chopped up for muffins and bread loaves.
$8 parking.
9 pictures taken of kiddos getting their faces painted.
$10 to get into the fair.
11+ band members in the Itchy-O Marching Band, including my buddy, Paul.
12+ poses with Kenzie for senior portraits.
13 chocolate zucchini muffins made for the swim meet I am missing tomorrow morning.

= 1 kiddo puking off the side of his bed onto the carpet below & 4 swipes of the Spot Bot.

I can't wait to scrap{book} this.


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